Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Defenders of the Gelron Sector - the Auk'let Gambit

Defenders of the Gelron Sector

Battle Two: The Auk'let Gambit

Imperial Forces are continuing their assault on the planet Neg'rett, but are being resisted by Rebel forces in the Capital City. The Imperials have decided to move a Legion of Stormtroopers from the nearby world of Auk'let, which was recently occupied without great resistance. An Imperial convoy has been dispatched to move the troops to Neg'rett.

Captain Doya and her Task Force have moved to intercept the Imperial Convoy leaving Auk'let. The troop carriers must be destroyed.


Convoy Intercept


Major Victory: Destroy all 3 Gozanti Cruisers
Minor Victory: Destroy 2 Gozanti Cruisers
Any other result is a loss.

Imperial Tactics:

The Imperial Side is First Player.

The Imperial Commander is rated Normal.

The Imperial Fleet deploys like in the picture, with the Focal Point on the opposite corner of the map. Gozanti Cruisers deploy at speed 2, and will accelerate / slow down to avoid obstacles and ramming other ships, OR to arrive / remain within distance 1 of the Focal Point.

If an Imperial Ship reveals a command at distance 1 of the Focal Point, it makes the jump to Hyperspace and escapes the battle.

The Gladiator Class vessels will treat the nearest Rebel ship as it activates as its focal point.

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
= 23 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
= 23 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
= 23 Points

Gladiator II (62)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
= 66 Points

Gladiator II (62)
Commander Suelet
• Ordnance Experts (4)
= 66 Points

• 4 x TIE Fighter Squadron (32)
= 32 Points

Total Points: 233

Commander Suelet - once per round the Imperial side will turn 1 blank dice to a face with a single hit.

Rebel Fleet

The Rebel Fleet deploys ships within distance 3 of the South edge of the board, and beyond distance 3 of the East and West sides. Squadrons may deploy within distance 2 of any Rebel ship.

Faithful Consort
CR90 Corvette A (44)
= 44 Points
= 57 Points

Valiant Choice
CR90 Corvette A (44)
= 44 Points

Purposeful Defender
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
Captain Doya
=57 points

• 2 x X-wing Squadron (26)
• 2 x Z-95 Headhunter Squadron (14)
• 2 x Lancer Pursuit Craft (30)
= 70 Points

Total Points: 215

Captain Doya: The Rebel Player may reroll two dice per round.

Remember that any surviving ship from the previous battle now has a veteran Captain, and one surviving X-Wing has a brace, and one surviving Z-95 has a scatter.

End of the Battle: 
Surviving ships will enter the next battle with a Veteran Captain.
One surviving X-Wing will gain a brace, and one surviving Z-95 gain a scatter.

Playthrough report:

The Rebels lost this encounter - all fighters destroyed, but all ships survived (the Nebulon on one health).
Only one of the target Gozanti was eliminated.


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