Sunday 6 February 2022

Battle of Schuller's Creek - Special Report


Commander Bobr Morski has reported to the People's Assembly of a great victory over the forces of Governor Musculus on the banks of Schuller's Creek.

Rapid Mauxican advances on the flanks encountered stiff resistance, with the Fifth Paw and Second Cavalry being driven back by determined Crimsonian Infantry on the right, and the First Cavalry being destroyed by Regular Cavalry on the right. Fourth Infantry was repeatedly driven back but managed to stabilise the flank and force the enemy cavalry to withdraw. 

In the Centre, Commander Morski and Lieutantent Cotija led the First, Second, and Third Paw into the attack against a large regiment of Crimsonian Infantry, supported by Artillery. The losses on both sides are reported to be horrendous, with Second and Third Paw believed to be below one-third strength.

Morski and Cotija led many valiant charges, and are reportedly both alive and unhurt.

It is believed that 17 companies of the Mauxican Forces have been lost in the battle.


Reports have reached the capital that Governor Musculus is dead, killed in action defending the Field Artillery Battery of Bonnet. It is unclear which brave mouse killed the hated Governor, but it is believed to be a non-commissioned officer in the Third Paw Regiment. Reports are unclear at this time, but it is reported that Brigadier General H. Charbonnier has assumed command of the Crimsonian remnants.
(Artist's impression of the Third Paw charging the Field Guns of Marshal Musculus)


Early reports indicate that the battle swung back in favour of the Mauxicans after early defeat on the flanks, but that any chance of exploiting the situation was removed by the arrival of two regiments of paw under Charbonnier. Rumours abound that Charbonnier's forces were delayed for some hours by partisans operating along the roads. Had his forces arrived sooner, the battle's outcome would have been very different.

As it is, the Mauxican Infantry overran the Crimsonian Batteries, and may have killed the Governor, but were unable to drag away any guns before Charbonnier arrived with reinforcements.
There are reports that the elite Legros Regiment of Republican Guards were driven back by Third Paw with Morski leading the defence - but that has yet to be confirmed officially.


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