Sunday 20 February 2022

Battle at Bottonlyme Crossroads - Special Report


Extra! Extra! Reports are flooding that capital that the Mauxican Army Commanded by Bobr Morski has been attacked by the Crimsonian forces under Brigadier General H. Charbonnier.
Sources close to the [redacted] inform that Asadero Revolutionary that the Imperial Scoundrels have left New Zurin garrisoned by some hastily raised Tory Militia, and advanced rapidly upon the Mauxican force, which was encamped, training, near the Bottonlyme Crossroads.


It is understood that, in consultation with Lieutenant Commanders Cotija and Maximouse, Morski ordered that the Army's Artillery batteries and a regiment of Militia fall back across the stream and take up defensive positions on a nearby hill,.under the command of Cotija.
Morski remained behind with 6th Paw and a detachment of Cavalry to protect the right, while Maximouse and the regular infantry of the Morski Regiment remained to delay the assault on the camp.

{the Mauxican guns limber and prepare to retreat}
{the Crimsonian columns shake out into line}

{the Mauxican guns and Militia cross the stream}
{the deadly gap between the Armies shrinks}

{Crimsonian Guns open fire}

{no effect from this range}
{Maximouse falls back through the camp - the Crimsonians pursue}

{Morski pulls back through the fields - keeping their front to the enemy, they move backwards at 1/2 speed}

{the Crimsonians reach the fenceline and prepare to cross}

{Cotija's force falls back as ordered}

{while Cotija remains to watch what is happening}

In order to stop Maximouse's regulars falling back too far, the Cavalry is sent in for a "spoiling" charge - it will either break them or hold them in place until the Infantry can arrive}

{the Cavalry reach the target, while the Infantry follow up quickly}

{the Cavalry are driven back by the Regular Infantry with Maximouse leading}


Reports indicate that Former President Wenslius Maximouse has been a welcome addition to the Mauxican Army - popular with the troops, and inspirational in oratory, Maximouse has developed quite the following among the soldiers, urging them to hold on against seemingly impossible odds.

{on the left, Morski and the Militia have jumped back over the fence, and now stop to exchange volleys with the Crimsonian regulars. The fire is devastating, and even the presence of Morski is not enough to stop the Militia from breaking and running. They fall back after taking two bases of casualties}

{on the right, Charbonnier leads the Regular and Elite infantry in a charge against the Morski regiment and Maximouse}

{even against appalling odds, the Mauxican Regulars drive back the Crimsonian assault. 10 dice for 1 hit, whereas the Mauxicans score 3 hits off 6 dice}
 {But the Cavalry have gotten around behind, and Maximouse is trapped with the troops}

{Charbonnier leads forwards a reserve regiment, who open a devastating volley. 9 hits from 15 dice}

{And everybody is firing on Maximouse - guns, elites, everyone. The fire comes from two sides}

{Morski's Regiment lose two stands, so two rolls for Officer casuatlies - and they both hit Maximouse}

{And they are both fatal!}

{Maximouse is dead! Shot twice in the same spot at the same time! What are the odds?}
{With the Former President dead, the Regulars decide that standing here being shot to pieces is not ideal and they run.}


Reports arriving in Asadero indicate that former President Wenslius Maximouse has been killed, standing with his troops in the line of battle. Taking severe fire from all quarters, Maximouse was furiously loading a mouseket when struck by two bullets on both sides of the head. The popular statemouse was dead before the body hit the ground.

{on the left, Morski leads his forces away - they have now turned their backs to the enemy and are marching at full speed, trying to get into the supporting range of their own guns}
{Morski leaves the Militia and meets with Cotija to find out what is happening. Cotija reports that the Morski regiment has been destroyed, and Maximouse is missing, feared lost}

{on the left, Crimsonian regulars under De Waard are almost in safe charge range of the rear of the Militia, and decide to chance their paw...}

{but the regulars seem to be exhausted from marching and fighting all day, and simply do not have the puff to reach the enemy (a roll of 6+ on 2d6 would have done the trick}

{the charge brings the unit into range of the Mauxican guns on the hill, who open fire. This is enough for the Crimsonians for today. Charbonnier calls a halt - they have destroyed one regiment and taken the enemy camp. It is too late to launch an assault on the hill - that can wait for the morning.}


It is now clear to all that the Mauxican People's Assembly Army under Bobr Morski has been defeated at the the Bottonlme Crossroads. The Morski regiment (the only regular troops in our force!) have been destroyed, and with them beloved former president Wenslius Maximouse. The 6th Paw also reports some casualties.
In all, it is believed that about 150 {3 bases} Crimsonians were killed in the defence.
The Imperialist forces now stand at the edge of the Capital city, which has not defences, apart from [redacted].

This journalist believes that Morski has fallen back from the position, and is marching to meet with the reserve army under Commander Leo Trotzkostromkoy. 

The capital is in danger, and so it this rebellion against tyranny.
Now is the time for all good mice to come to the defense of the nation!

Our s

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