Monday 14 December 2015

December Bathurst Take Three

This, the third of my Bathurst Battles, was very much a case study in how things occasionally go right for me...

The opponent was Nick, from Parramatta Attack Wing. He played Rebels, and deployed a fleet with two Assault Frigates and one of the new MC80 Big Scary Battleship Things (Naturally, with Admiral Akbar). Nick also made the brave decision not to take any fighters. Six of my eight fighters have the "Bomber" special, and the A-Wings are rolling a black die against ships, so that's pretty one-way traffic.

With only three ships, Nick's whole fleet was deployed after I had only put out 2 Corvette's. I chose to go heavy on my left, as there were fewer obstacles.
Again, I won the initiative bid, and chose to go second. Nick chose the bad thing to happen to him: most wanted. I chose his battleship (top centre), and my Corvette (bottom right) as the target ships.

This is the start of turn 3. Nick has moved his ships into the centre, and my left has swung around. The fighters have not yet engaged the battleship very hard, and my far right Corvette (the Target ship) is off exploring the Death Star.
I was able to get both Neb B's, the Corvette, and the Assault Frigate to fire on Nick's single assault Frigate (with some A-Wings as well), and blew it to bits in a single turn of shooting.

At the start of turn 4, I am now in a position to concentrate fire on the Battleship with everything, including a whole heap of fighters. One of my Neb Bs has succumbed to the fire from the Battleship and the Assault Frigate. The other Assault Frigate is just dancing around the edges.

Start of turn 5, and the Battleship is gone. My fighters are redeploying to engage the last Frigate, but to no effect. The Neb B in the centre has a critical damage card forcing it to take a hit every time it moves faster than 1. I have no orders to slow it down, so it explodes in the final turn.
The game is a 10-0 to me, with my losses as two Neb B (51 points each), and The Target Battleship counting as double points as destroyed.
Quote of the Game: Nick: "Fighters are the bane of my existence."
Lessons learnt: Apart from a small mistake with the movement of my target Corvette in turn one and the orders on my Assault Frigate in turn 2 or 3, everything went pretty much like clockwork. Losses were acceptable, and the devastation was delightful.
I'm quite happy with Garm's Alphabet Soup, and apart from buying a Shrimp Frigate, I think it will do me nicely well into the future. Multiple activations, buckets of flexibility with deployment, and a nice mix of fighters and bombers means I can react to almost any circumstance.
As usual, the only problem is with the operator, when I confuse Tactical Advantage for Strategic Outcomes.
Thanks to all the players - I had lots of fun.
I am yet to face an Imperial Star Destroyer, however.

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