Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hold the Line!

Played at Gunnedah on Saturday the 11th of May 2013.

This game was conceived by Adam, and played in my Garage. Andrew was there as well. And me.

Adam is new to the hobby, so thought a fortress would be fun. I said, yeah, maybe, as long as I get the fortress. So that's what happened.

A continental force is surprised by the British, and unable to escape, occupy a small town and the Star Fort (which is a Rectangle) and decide to fight to the bitter end.

I play the Continentals (Liberty! Justice! Convoluted System of Checks and Balances that Rewards Inaction!), while Adam and Andrew play the British.

The Continental Army deploys in the town and rectangular star fort. The British deploy by Brigades to the left, centre, and right.

The right of the field - a lovely open space, ideal for heavy guns and light cavalry...

The British cross the river, slowly, cautiously.
And on the right, not at all. "It's cold, sarge."
"Quiet you fool! We must sneak up on the rules summary page!"
The British attack the Continentals in the town, who immediately run away - but never fear, there are reserves!

The British finally cross the river on the Continental right. Every step brings them closer to the heavy guns...

Continental field guns open fire on the left.

Steady advance in the centre and on the right.

Plenty of reserves in... uh... reserve.
The hand of Andrew sends more brave boys into harm's way...

The ponderous advance on the right continues - oh wait! puffs of smoke in the centre! The continental light troops have broken cover and engaged a British line regiment in the flank.

Considering his options, Andrew decides to attack!

Closer, ever closer!
Assault the town! Give them the cold steel!
"Hold the line, Yankees!"

The long arm of Adam sends the flanking force home...

And the Redcoats charge the Militia on the hill, who deal a crippling volley, disrupting the attack.
We decided Mel Gibson must have been leading them.

The afternoon sun brings light relief.
The militia stopped the attack, and now the Continental regulars stick it to the lackeys of the Royal Tyrant!

The assault on the town heats up - the Continentals are winning and advancing on the far left, but are one battery down in the centre.

The British strike back at the hill. They have no reserves on this flank, this is it, and the whole attack relies on a Regiment of Redcoats charging a fresh HEAVY battery, UPHILL, and the Continentals have a GENERAL. A roll of anything but a "one", and this final British attack fails and the battle is over.
I rolled a "one".

I got a bit emotional, so the photos got blurred by my tears. The Heavy Artillery were wiped out, which started a chain reaction, and long story short, the whole flank was gone. All that was now left were three units of Light Cavalry and a suicide charge.

Yeah, that didn't work.
The cavalry gone, and the redcoats swarming forwards, it was time for a final last last stand in the rectangular star fort.
But those fights are boring, so we called it a day.
Continental casualties - all four Generals, all four Artillery Batteries, all bar one Cavalry Squadron, and the vast majority of the Infantry.
I was absolutely convinced I had this one in the bag, I was even planning my consolation lecture.
Uphill! Heavy Artillery! General Present!
a One!
Oh, do Doth Fortune play the huswife with me now?
A good game, but a frustrating conclusion for the Continentals.

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