Friday 18 March 2022

Asadero Revolutionary - Turn 10 - Assault on New Zurin


The Mauxican Army, under the capable leadership of Commander Bobr Morski, has marched to New Zurin in preparation for the final liberation of the homeland.
{On the right flank, Luisa Cotija leads a regiment of Regular and one of Militia}
{In the Centre, Bobr Morski leads the Stilwenese Grenadiers and Light Artillery Batteries}
{on the Left flank, Caerphilius Maximouse leads a regiment of Regulars, and one of Militia}
{Colonel Duhamel commands the Crimsonian right - a large unit of Militia}
{Commander of the Army, Colonel De Waard commands the Regulars on the right}


Our revolutionary journalists moving with the Army report that Colonel De Waard, commanding the Crimsonian army after the death of Brigadier General H. Charbonnier, has sent an officer under a flag of truce. It is reported that De Waard asked for a suspension of conflict, so that the Crimsonian Army could be evacuated from Mauxica when a new fleet of support ships arrive in a few months time.

Commander Morski apparently responded with a crude ejaculation, believing this story to be a lie. Morski instead called on the Crimsonians to surrender, which De Waard refused. Morski indicated that the army would assault New Zurin, to which De Waard replied "On your head be the needless death of hundreds of mice."

The guns have opened fire.

{The Mauxican Light Artillery is inadequate to do much damage to the Infantry behind the fortifications - there are a lot of guns, but the rules simply allow the officers to "redress the ranks" and ignore the hits}
{Lusia Cotija advances on the right, and Morski in the centre. Cotija has been ordered to make the first assault}

{Maximouse advances on the left}
{The guns keep firing as the Mauxicans advance}
{Start of turn 3, and Cotija orders the assault}
{Morski and the Grenadiers move to threaten the field guns in the centre}
{Cotija and the regulars push through some hasty fire, and briefly engage the Crimsonian Regulars...}
{...but are pushed back with heavy casualties}
{The Grenadiers fire on the guns, while on the left Maximouse advances and drives the Militia off the wall}
{The Militia simply cannot hold the fortifications against those determined Mauxican regulars}
{Maximouse decides to press the advantage, and the Regulars press on over the defences and into New Zurin...}
{But the assault falters, and the regulars are pushed back - and Maximouse is severely wounded and obliged to leave the field before he bleeds out.}
{Maximouse calls on Major Thomjor to assume command of the left}
{Morski leads the Grenadiers through a hail of grapeshot to charge the field guns...}
{But are driven back by a determined defence, and the quick arrival of Colonel De Waard}
{There is a moment of panic as it is believed that Morski is dead, shot from his mount...}
{But a review of the rule chart reveals that Morski is only lightly wounded, and will continue to fight}
{Another charge on the right drives back the regulars, but Cotija's unit has taken serious casualties. Will they jump the wall and charge into the city?}

{On the left, Duhamel leads the Militia back to the wall to exchange volleys with the Mauxicans}
{On the right, De Waard does the same thing - the whole battle has now devolved into two lines of soldiers shooting over a wall - limited casualties on both sides}

{Major Thomjor is wounded, but stays on the field}
{Cotija orders another charge, which ties for three rounds, before the Crimsonians are forced back - but Cotija has bled her regulars white, and only one stand remains. Further advance is impossible}
{On the left, Thomjor's units take absurd amounts of deadly fire from Crimsonian Militia, and effectively cease to exist.}

{Two of the three Commanders are wounded, and half the Mauxican bases have been taken as casualties. The Army can attack no longer and is forced to retreat. New Zurin remains in the hands of the Crimsonians.}


The Mauxican Army has taken heavy casualties attacking the defences of New Zurin. The Crimsonians have dealt the revolution a bloody nose, destroying dozens of companies of regular infantry and militia.

Bobr Morski has been injured, and Caerphilius Maximouse severely wounded. 

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