Monday, 5 August 2019

Garms Rogues vs Thrawn Double ISDs

The third of Task Force Orange's Winter Campaign occurred on a Thursday night. Rory was my regular opponent again, flying the same list as a few weeks ago - Thrawn, and ISD2 with Pryce, a Cymoon, and some generic squadrons.

I went with something quite different - five ships with Garm and a Rogue Ball. Dash Rendar, 3 YT2400s, and 4 Lancers. Yes, Lancers. The AF2B flagship comes with Bail Organa and Expanded Hangar Bays (and ECMs). Neb B with Yav title, naked Torpedo Hammerhead, Combat GR75s with BCC and GR with Torryn Farr.

We both bid 1 point, Rory won the roll, chose first, and selected my FIGHTER AMBUSH. The other options were Most Wanted and Superior Positions.
Rory put his ISDs down first, so the deployment advantage of FIGHTER AMBUSH was lost to him.

I deployed with the BCC on the left (for some reason) and everything to the right. He chose to Pryce Round 3, so I chose to Bail round 4 to prevent him from gaining the double activation effect.

 Start of Round 2 - Yav and the Hammerhead dropped to 0 to delay the action - I"m so out of practice with most of these ships that I really didn't know what I was doing. The Transports rushed towards the scene of the battle.
Rory sent his Generic Ties forwards to tie up my Rogues, but the combination of Flak, Torryn, and YT2400s meant that was not a problem for long. My Lancers went ahead and struck the flagship, doing limited damage.

Start of turn 3, and Pryce means I get to move the Bail AF2 into position for a start of turn 4 attack. The Hammerhead and Yav have taken long range Cymoon attacks and will not last long. The ISD activates last, does flak damage to my squads, and moves forwards. The bombers and YT2400s hit the ISD again, this time in BCC range.

Start of Round 4 and my Bail AF2 goes first, activating the four lancers and a YT2400 into the ISD, tearing it to bits - the AF2 finishes off the ISD before swinging around behind the Cymoon.
The Cymoon finishes the Hammerhead and Yavaris.

Start of Round 5, and the Fighter Ambush tokens are building up. The Cymoon destroys the Torryn Farr transport (front right), and I realize that no matter how good I roll with those lancers I can't take out a mostly healthy Cymoon in two turns. So we settle in to kill squads.

Start of turn 6 - all I have left is the BCC and AF2 - there are some generic tie bombers and a lambda left.

I don't think we really bothered doing the points thing - it was clearly a Rebel win - I really like the Bail AF2 with Ex Hangers - Garm probably isn't necessary - maybe Dodonna? And I really need to work out what I'm doing with Yavaris if I'm going to play it.

I did like the double hit of the rogues last in a round, then activating again with Bail at the start of the next. I think it's a good counter to the Pryce shenanigans of a two ship list...

Thanks to Rory for a good game and coming out on a freezing cold night.

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