Saturday 2 July 2016

ACT Regionals - Like a Bossk! - Part Two

My draw with Ken left us both in the middle of the pack, facing the other middle results obtainers.

I was paired up with Scott, who claimed to be a Canberra local, though under intense interrogation this was revealed to be a false assertion, since 1: he was not born there, and 2: no-one being local to Canberra, as it is an artificial city, and generally a figment of the deranged Australian imagination.

Scott was playing a Dodonna decked out Home One Mc80 with Yavaris and Corvette CR90. He had Hans Olo, Tycho Celchu!, some A-Wings, X-Wings, and a Y-Wing.

I had initiative and chose to go first - the mission was HyperSpace assault. Scott is only relatively new to the game, and made some interesting decisions with deployment, etc. I did my best to guide his efforts in my finest and most patronising style. Sarcasm aside, after I learned he was quite knew, I toned done my jovial-competitiveness and did the friendly thing of asking questions, reminding about Hans Olo, making suggestions on defence token usage, etc. I hope Scott received these suggestions in the manner intended - I want the game to grow, and for Armada to have the reputation of the best behaved players around.

During deployment I had to decide whether to focus down the Mc80 before the Yavaris came to help, or to take out Yavaris first. I went with the latter, even though it meant dividing my forces.

 Start of turn 2 - Scott launched his fighter wing early into my X-Wings, and they got quickly decimated by my Yavaris activated X-Wings and B-Wing. I realised my Mc30s weren't going to hit Yavaris at the start of turn 2, so maneuvered to force him into my short range during turn 2. My right most torpedo boat got an arc on Yavaris, then ducked past into the path of the Mc80, happily blocking it for the rest of the game.

 Start of turn 3, and the HyperSpacing Corvette and fighters arrived on my Yavaris' side. I activated my now rightmost torpedo boat, and took out Scott's Yavaris, before slowing and wheeling on the Mc80, trying to avoid his left arc (and failing), but hoping to stay at long range (and succeeding).

Hans Olo and Tycho both bought the farm this turn, and my remaining fighters moved on to engage the newly arrived chaps, carefully staying in Yavaris range.

The only mistake I think I made in this game happened in this turn, giving a Concentrate fire order to my Jaina's light instead of a Navigate. As a result, the Corvette could not slow down or maneuver sufficiently to avoid the side arc of the Mc80.

The ramifications of that are shown here - I had to activate Dodonna's ship first to avoid being blasted to Kingdom-come, which allowed the Mc80 to shoot the heavily damaged Corvette in the rear arc.

Yavaris took out Scott's Corvette, and with some tricky use of accuracy results, the torpedo frigate in the Mc80's front did exactly enough damage to destroy it without resorting to ramming, which would have killed my own ship as well.

Oh, that was another mistake I guess - I had slowed the torpedo boat to speed one when ramming the Mc80 - I should have stayed at 2 to help me navigate away without ramming if necessary.

This was the end of the game - Scott's ships gone, only one of my Corvettes lost, and some fighters on both sides.

I think we made an error in point calculations (so that's three mistakes).

I got 400, and Scott earned 91 from the corvette, X-wings, and B-wing.

I thin we reported it as 400 to 51, forgetting my fighter casualties. Hopefully this did not alter the outcome of the tournament dramatically...

It was a good game, and I hope to play Scott again in the future.

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