Tuesday 26 January 2016

David's SpaceCon - Episode Three: Team Rebel! Heck Yeah!

Game three saw me at the last table, facing Dave K, who was also "0" from "2".

He had an interesting list of three ships with every possible upgrade, and one fighter.

I won initiative, chose second, and he chose "Most Wanted." This is the mission I most want my opponent to take, since it means I can get up to ten extra dice at the biggest ship on the field, while only making my corvette (which tends to avoid getting shot much anyway) a little more vulnerable.

Start of Turn 1 - we're both ignoring the right hand side of the space, with my NEBs deployed for slow and steady shooting, and the Assasult Frigate in Conga-Line formation with Corvette for back-up.
 Dave comes rushing out at me, while my ships fire everything they can at the Star Destroyer, ignoring the Gladiators.

 Turn 3, and the Imperials arrive. This looks a lot like the previous battle, except that my Frigates are on a flank and free to maneuver, and the NEBs have done their damage and are know fulfilling their secondary purpose: fodder. Even my fighters have managed to launch a strike on the ISD, while tying down the single imperial fighter/bomber.

I could have let Paragon finish off the ISD at this point, but let that honour go to one of the condemned NEB-Bs. It makes writing the letter to their loved ones so much easier... "I am honoured to inform you that your beloved wife has died in the cause of Galactic Liberty, destroying the Imperial Harbinger of Doom..."

 The Picture from the start of turn 4 is missing - this is the start of turn 5. The ISD is gone (and because of the mission counts as an extra 120 points for victory - nice!) as are the NEB-Bs. The Gladiators are now chasing the Assault Frigates around the loop, hoping for... I'm not sure what.

At this point I don't think there's much chance of the Imperials doing much damage, let alone taking out a Frigate. But, they keep chasing, and I keep shooting them, even slowing down to get better arcs. The fighters have finished off the Bounty Hunter, and have gathered near the Frigate in order to be in range of a squadron command passed on by Leia Organa. In this way, the front Gladiator is wiped out in short order.

 And the other Gladiator keeps on coming - at the start of turn 6, it is the only Imperial vessel remaining. And Zap-Brannigan-like, it charges straight at Paragon's guns...

At the end of turn 6, this is all that remains on the battle space - and its all mine.

This was a very solid victory, 10/0, with me scoring 520 points to the Imperials 102.

As a result of this very one-sided affair, I ended up bang in the middle of the tournament crowd, with 11 players ahead on points, and 11 behind.

On this occasion, I stuck to my game plan, and it worked. I probably only have one regret, which was letting the NEB-B finish the ISD when it could have shot at a Gladiator, but that made no real difference in the end.

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